Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Subject *Please note that all information will be kept confidential and safe, however if you are in a vulnerable position or you may face repercussions for submission, please consider using extra precautions such as TOR.CoordinatesAny format will do – just as long as it points to the right place!Location (Town/City, etc)Even a rough indicator will be helpful. Description *Please include a description of the location you are submitting and why you are submitting it. If you are referring to a location already discovered in our research, please include the 10-digit reference code. Images can be linked to online, we prefer if you use Imgur, but any safe image hosting site will be OK.EmailPlease enter your email, so we can follow up with you. This is not required. What sort of information are you submitting? *New LocationKnown Location (new details)Known Location (report inaccuracy)OtherAll other information pertaining to this submission.Submit Like this:Like Loading...